Why do we Place Public Notice Ads in Newspapers?

If you are placing public notice ads in newspapers you may be wondering, “what’s the point? Does anyone read them? Or even care?  They are in fact a very important part of being informed.

Public Notice ads that run in newspapers all over the country are how people find out about changes going on within their community. It also keeps them informed on community meetings and hearings. Public notice ads give the details that allow them to attend any that may be of interest to them. It also gives people the opportunity to speak out about issues and changes that may negatively affect them and their community.

Why do we place public notices?

“Public notices are one of the few regular and official communication channels that exist between levels of government and citizens. Plus Public notice laws  regulate the way in which government communications with citizens.” ( fundingthenews.usc.edu )

Legislation has always required that information on many different topics be shared with the community. It must also be in an accessible format. This helps to keep the general population informed about things that may impact them on a variety of levels. Topics include a broad range of subjects on all types of legal matters. This includes things like Permits, and Business Licensing, Court hearings, government contracts, and even Economic changes and environmental conditions.

How do I know what kind of paper my public notice ad should run in?

While necessary, the process of writing and placing a public notice can be a little bit confusing. Figuring out what your notice should say and which paper it should be placed in.  For starters, public notice ads are typically placed in a large daily or sometimes weekly newspaper of general circulation that is paid. The newspaper should run so that it has the potential to be seen by those who need to see it.

What is the difference between a sales ad and a public notice and Placing Public Notice Ads in the Newspaper?

It is also important to understand the difference in the type of “call to action” that is expected between an ad that sells a product or service vs a notice that is intended to inform and often to encourage the reader to participate or attend a hearing or meeting on a particular issue that they are affected by or may be concerned about.

Agencies that are experienced in placing public notices can assist in locating the proper paper as well as writing and placement services of the legal notice.

For more assistance or for public notice ad placement services, contact us!

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