Did you know that many of the most well-known phrases in pop culture are, in fact, Public Service Announcements? The tradition of Placing public service announcements has been in existence since 1948. The first public service announcements appeared before the Second World War and have continued ever since. These PSAs contained images that were intended to compel people to act or have a response. They also appeared in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

What is a Public Service Announcement( PSA )?
A public service announcement is a short public interest message. It is intended to educate and raise awareness around a particular issue or behavior. With the goal of motivating its audience to create change. They are similar to a legal and public notices, these advertisements are not intended to sell anything.
Most of the time, PSAs depict images that may be considered jarring. This is because PSAs are intended to cause a reaction. They are intended to alarm the reader. This is so they understand the importance of their actions or the consequences of their inaction. Public Service Announcements contain information similar to a Public Notice. They state why the reader should care and what actions they can take.
Common topics of PSAs are about the environment, safety or health and wellness issues. Memorable PSA’s that you might recall are how to prevent forest fires, substance abuse, anti-smoking campaigns, and the importance of vaccines.

How is the effectiveness of a Public Service Announcement determined?
The effectiveness of the Public Service announcement is determined by the level of impact that it has and the amount of action that it creates. To conclude this it measures the response that the public takes. This data can be found by doing a public engagement analysis while the campaign is running and reviewing the data when it is complete.
Where are PSAs placed?
Place public service announcements in print, on the radio, or television and online.
How to create a PSA
When creating a PSA, it is important to research the topic and define your audience through market research. Defining the audience includes identifying your audiences location, gender, age, ethnicity, and even religion and lifestyle may be pertinent information.
How to Place a Public Service Announcement
If you need to place a Public Service Announcement and you are unsure of what steps you need to take, it can be helpful to use an advertising agency that specializes in these types of advertisements. We can help you in the writing and placement of these types of ads for you.
Our Public Service Announcement Experts will work with you all the way through the process. If you would like to expedite your ad placement, please have the following information ready.
Your full name, billing address, telephone number, and email address. Have any necessary images, such as maps or logos ready. We can also help you write your ad. Or you can send over the exact text you would like to appear.
Lastly, please include all details pertaining to specific dates you would like the ad to run. Or if your ad needs to run multiple times. Please indicate how many times and on which dates you would like it to be published.
To place a Public Service Announcement ad in any publication or on the radio and television call us at (813) 920-0197 or send an us a email to sales@myclassifiedads.net If you would like to place your ad in USA Today please reach out to our sister company Russell Johns us at sales@russelljohns.com the official publisher representative of USA Today