Labor Certification Advertising; is this newspaper acceptable by the DOL?
While there is no magic list that tells you all of the papers that the Department of Labor allows for Labor Certification ads, there are some specific guidelines that you will want to keep in mind when determining where your ad must go, if you choose not to use a Agency. All labor certification advertising must be placed in compliance with Department of Labor laws. However some of these rules are pretty confusing even for the professionals.
First and foremost, all labor certification ads must but placed in two consecutive Sundays placements. In a newspaper of general circulation. If no Sunday edition if available then the Newspaper of the widest circulation in that geographic area of intended employment. The labor certification ad must also run between 30 days and 180 days prior to application filing. Employers must also submit submit additional documentation showing proof that the ads ran as specified.

Professional or Non-professional
Keep in mind that there are also slight variances between whether or not the ad is for a professional of non professional job. For employment positions that would not require a degree higher than a bachelor’s degree. All employers can place ads under non professional requirements only.
For Labor Certification ads that do where the person required must have a higher degree 3 additional steps to the advertising process are required. Additional forms of acceptable advertising are local and ethnic newspaper, job search websites, employer websites, trade or professional organizations, or job fairs.(immahelp)
My Classified Ads has been working with Law firms and employers for over 20 placing immigration advertising. For more information on how to get your ad placed contact us.