A High Exposure Print Advertising Campaign Can Help Rejuvenate an Existing TV or Online Campaign.

Low cost print advertising campaign that adds a high or repetitive exposure volume of the same commercial proves to be an effective way to improve the overall ROI of existing media campaigns. Recently even though the online market is extremely competitive there has been a  huge increase in the number of online ads being placed. As a result people are becoming highly likely to  tune out or scroll past ads without viewing or giving themselves time to mentally process what they have just seen.  People are also becoming burnt out on the over abundance of online or mobile advertising or acquiring “ advertising fatigue.”

This over abundance of online advertising is made worse with the conjunction of cross device advertising or multi-device usage that allows for the person to have multiple devices going at one time. Cross-device usage allows for the consumption of huge amounts of media but with a much lower than average retention rate.

Studies conducted between 2007 to 2015 show that typically print advertising actually begins to improve in response after the 5th exposure to an ad. This is excellent news in that studies also show that response rates for advertising mediums like online and TV actually decrease after only the 4th exposure to an ad.

Studies have shown that for many types of advertising like online and TV, the response begins to diminish shortly after the first time that it runs. This is much different for Newspaper Groups where response actually begins to increase the more consistently it runs. Additionally, studies show that the addition of print advertising increases the effectiveness of other types of media.

Running ads in Newspaper groups that offer the latest deals, sales incentives and coupons are great ways to get people to shop. Also consider giveaways, referral opportunities, and frequent shopper programs, that encourage additional purchases and invite people to create more conversation about your product or service with others. For more information on placing in newspaper groups check out the additional posts on our blog.

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