Advertise in Digital Publications and increase conversions online.

Advertising campaigns that include multiple types of media typically perform better than campaigns that do not. Incorporating digital publications and either classified or displayed can help your campaigns reach more people. Including digital publications in your advertising campaigns are a great way to improve the ROI of a campaign. They can also increase brand interest and awareness. With a campaign that is only  digital, results may have “ stalled out.” When Advertisers place their ads in Digital Publications and print publications, they are able to reach well-educated and business-minded audiences at a much lower cost point than many of the CPC options out there. 


Why is advertising becoming more challenging for advertisers?

There are many reasons why online advertising is becoming more challenging for advertisers. Some of them are listed below.

Higher rates of competition between ads, lead to higher rates of advertising fatigue. The  recent pandemic has lead to a increased use of digital media and personal media devices means that people are now worn out on social media and are spending more time doing other things.

Advertise in Digital Publications and increase conversions online.

Why is decreased use of Social media good news for Advertisers?

 For savvy advertisers this is Great News because digital publications and eNewspapers provide advertisers the low cost uncluttered advertising space that they are looking for. People have always been distrustful of advertising and the media as well as online news. Legitimate publications  that vet their stories and publish genuine news offer more credibility than what other sources might be able to offer.

Studies have shown that for online and TV advertising response rate actually begins to decrease after only four exposures to an ad.  In contrast, these same studies have concluded that the response rate for news publications actually  improves after the fifth response. Because digital advertising is bought in bulk nationwide groups or ad that runs regionally or nationwide ad in a well-known publication like USA Today. Nationwide  digital publications and eNewspaper advertising campaigns can be added to an existing campaign at relatively low budgets and still be very successful in making noticeable improvements to the overall performance of a campaign. 

Why is it beneficial to advertise in digital publications to increase my exposure online?

Digital Publications give advertisers the opportunity to place their ads in uncluttered advertising space and reach targeted audiences that already interested in the product or services that you are offering. With an increased resurgence and reliance on local news, people are now more ready and willing than ever to support their local  and national eNewspapers as national news can sometimes be seen as less specific which could appeal less to audiences like Millennials and Generation Z who is very used to having everything catered directly to them.

Why is it important to Advertise in Digital Publications?

Niche publications appeal to a built-in group of readers that are focused on the detailed information that only those publications can provide. Niche publications are on topic with what their industry needs to hear about right now and they want to deliver. 

The best way to reach any audience is to focus specifically on that group and on their values and needs as an individual this is crucial in that younger generations have been made to feel like that are the center of attention.

My Classified ads sister company Russell Johns Associates, has been a publisher representative recruitment advertising sales agency firm that was established in 1968 has played a vital part of enhancing and developing advertising business strategies and furnishing solutions for publishers since 1968. We are also an experience advertising Agency that can help you network with other publications and Advertiser

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